Doctor-Discovered Sleep “Trick” Fixes
the Root Cause of Sleepless Nights
Reset Your “Internal Body Clock” So You
Sleep Through The Night and Wake Up Feeling
Refreshed, Rested, and Ready to Go

Doctor-Discovered Sleep “Trick” Fixes THE ROOT CAUSE OF Sleepless Nights

Reset Your “Internal Body Clock” So You Sleep Through The Night and Wake Up Feeling Refreshed, Rested, and Ready to Go

For anyone finding it difficult to get a good night’s rest - it can be pretty frustrating.

For anyone finding it difficult to get a good night’s rest - it can be pretty frustrating.

The tossing and turning for hours...looking for that sleep-inducing sweet spot but never quite finding it.

With each hour that passes and the closer it gets to daylight the more stressed you become.

Then it happens...the alarm goes off…and it’s time to start yet another day feeling like absolute hell.

Sound familiar?

Unfortunately it probably does...that's because over 60 million Americans have trouble sleeping. And I should know, because I was one of them.

Hi, my name is Wade Lightheart - I’m the President and CoFounder of BiOptimizers.

I’m an advisor to the American Anti-Cancer Institute, a certified sports nutritionist, a 3-time All Natural National Bodybuilding Champion, and a former Mr. Universe Competitor...

And I struggled with extreme burnout that completely wrecked my sleep quality.

If you’ll stay with me for just a few minutes, I’ll show you exactly what helped me turn the combination of racing thoughts, sleep deprivation, and burnout on its head… You see...

For years I was barely able to sleep. It didn’t matter that I was running a business, raising a family, and trying to be all things to all people. Sleep was a luxury I didn’t have and unfortunately I tried to learn how to live without it.

But as you can probably guess...that’s NOT exactly possible.

In short, my circadian rhythm (aka—my sleep/wake cycle) was out of whack. The circadian rhythm is like a 24-hour clock running in your body. It controls your ability to wake up and function normally throughout the day and then wind down so that you can fall asleep.

But mine was screwed up.

Aside from a few "catnaps," I was up days at a time with no sleep.

And for anyone who has ever experienced the joys of late night infomercials and reruns of Barney Miller, you know what I'm talking about.

I had to do something and I had to do it fast...but I didn’t know what to do...I’d tried all the popular solutions and nothing worked...but it would be months before I discovered the miracle I'm about to share.

Thanks to my business partner Matt.

And I promise anyone who tries what he revealed to me will be amazed at both its potent effects and its ease of use.

Especially those who feel anxious and worried about their lack of sleep...

Experience trouble focusing...

Feel mentally "lost" or have trouble thinking clearly…

Or simply feel exhausted during the day and just don’t feel like themselves.

Believe me when I say I know how it feels.

Frankly, not being able to sleep just sucks.

However it doesn’t just suck, it’s dangerous too. Because sleep is how your body makes its daily repairs, heals, and rebuilds damaged tissues. It’s also how your brain flushes out the waste that can gum up your brain cells.

When you can’t sleep… your body and mind suffer and all the "behind the scenes" healing doesn’t happen. And that’s why I’m writing this today.

To give you a chance to finally

Solve Your Sleep Problems...

Best of all this solution doesn’t require a prescription.

It’s a vital mineral that is 100% natural, drug-free, and something your body desperately needs, yet rarely gets nearly enough of.

In fact, according to research published in the journal The American Family Physician... 75% of us aren't meeting the recommended intake.

However, by taking this vital mineral in the way I’m about to show you, it can change everything when it comes to your ability to sleep.

By adding it to your bedtime routine…

You’ll feel yourself unwind within minutes.

Your muscles relax as the tension runs out of your body...

And most people see immediate improvement in their ability to fall asleep within minutes of going to bed.

Now before I tell you what it is…

Just imagine this for a moment.

It’s bedtime and you’re looking forward to a restful night's sleep.

You go through your normal bedtime routine which now includes this miracle mineral.

As you turn off the light and close your eyes…

You feel a wave of relaxation come over your body.

Next thing you know, you wake up.

It's a beautiful morning... you're refreshed, energized, and ready to own your day.

Well, that’s exactly what can happen when you use this mineral my business partner Matt told me would be the “answer” to all of my sleep problems.

And today I want to share it with you.

The “answer” Matt was talking about is…


I mentioned earlier…

I have no doubt that you’ve heard of this amazing nutrient.

You may even be aware of some of the benefits.

But “hearing about it” isn’t the same as experiencing its magical effects.

In fact, 9 out of 10 people who take this game-changing nutrient don’t really notice much change…

…And that’s because of what you’re about to discover.

Why This Is the ONLY NUTRIENT that Defeats Stress at a Cellular Level


Five Bottles

Magnesium Breakthrough


$27 / bottle

($136 TOTAL)

Subscribe N' Save 22% Off

365-Day Money Back Guarantee

One Bottle

Magnesium Breakthrough


$35 / bottle

($35 TOTAL)

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365-Day Money Back Guarantee


Three Bottles

Magnesium Breakthrough


$29 / bottle

($87 TOTAL)

Subscribe N' Save 22% Off

365-Day Money Back Guarantee

A 2010 review of natural treatments for anxiety found that magnesium could be a treatment for anxiety. [9]

More recently, a 2017 review that looked at 18 different studies found that magnesium did reduce anxiety. [10]


Helps With My Anxiety

I have utmost confidence that I'm getting the most and best magnesium! I think it has helped with anxiety also.

These studies looked at mild anxiety, anxiety during premenstrual syndrome, postpartum anxiety, and generalized anxiety.

According to this review, one of the reasons why magnesium might help reduce anxiety is that it may improve brain function. 🙌

Now, you might be thinking: “there are a gazillion magnesium products out there. If magnesium were the solution to stress — more people would be stress-free.”

The Problem is Two-Fold.

FIRST: Almost everyone is severely deficient in magnesium — even those who get the “recommended daily dose”…

Because higher stress levels, common for ambitious folks like us, require much higher than recommended doses.

SECOND: If you’re only taking one form of magnesium… you’re still deficient!

At BiOptimizers, we’re into becoming superhumans, and that requires pushing the dosage to a higher level.

So I did about 5 grams a day divided into four doses — and within a couple of months it fixed my stress and burnout issues.


Caitlyn Verified Buyer


General Calmness

Love this magnesium. Best I've found in all my years of functional medicine. Better sleep, elimination, general calmness.

My brain came back, my mood went back to normal and my performance in the gym went to another level.

I’m not a “young buck” anymore. At 48, and totally natural, it helped me squat close to 400 lbs again.

Enough about me, this is about YOU.

I want to bombard you with mind-blowing research that will hopefully motivate you to test an all-new magnesium formula I’ve worked with an elite team to create. I’ll tell you more about that in a minute.

Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in the body and is needed for everything, including:

Maintaining normal muscle and nerve function [11]

Keeping a healthy immune system [12]

Maintaining normal heart rhythm [13]

Building strong bones [14]

And lowering cortisol levels [15]

In fact, in the last study cited above — the researchers were quoted as saying, “magnesium status is highly associated with stress levels.”


Donald Dewar Verified Buyer


Stress Levels Go Down

One of the few supplements that I felt an almost immediate significant positive impact. My overall stress levels seemed to go down and my quality of sleep improved significantly. Highly recommend giving it a shot to anyone who will listen.

Magnesium has been proven to help your mitochondria generate and use ATP, the main unit of energy in the body’s cells. [16]

That’s why another study says, “mitochondria are intracellular magnesium stores.”

It’s easy to see why trying to reduce stress levels WITHOUT adequate magnesium and the full spectrum of magnesium types is setting yourself up to fail.

Why Getting ALL 7 Forms of Magnesium Transforms Your Stress & Performance

One of the biggest misconceptions about magnesium is that you just “need more” of it and you’ll be healthy and optimized.

But the TRUTH is, there are many different types of magnesium — and each plays a critical role in different functions in your body. ⚠️

Most “healthy” people only get 1-2 forms at best (much of the population is deficient in all forms) — but when you get all 7 major forms of magnesium, that’s when the magic happens.

Magnesium Chelate

This form of magnesium is especially important for muscle building, recovery, and health.  [17]


Wayne R. Verified Buyer


Night And Day Difference

Night and day difference with quality of sleep and muscle cramps.

Magnesium Citrate

Helps with the effects of obesity. In fact, one study found that this form helped arterial stiffness in healthy overweight individuals. [18]


Mary Verified Buyer


I’ve Subscribed So I’m Not Without It

My sleep and bowel movements seem to be better since taking this. I'm hoping it will make keeping my blood sugar in a healthy range that much easier. I've subscribed so I'm not without it.

Magnesium Bisglycinate

Often used to treat symptoms of excess stomach acid, such as stomach upset, heartburn, and acid indigestion. [19]


Rebecca H. Verified Buyer


Helps With Digestion

I like the new Magnesium Breakthrough. I have always struggled knowing which form of Mg to use and this one has them all! I feel like it helps digestion and sleep.

Magnesium Malate

Some believe this to be the most bioavailable form of magnesium. It’s found naturally in fruits, giving them a “tart taste.”

Magnesium Malate can help with migraines, chronic pain, and depression. [20]


Aline Long Verified Buyer


Better Sleep, Less Pain

I have been using the Mg for two weeks and have noticed a better sleep pattern, less pain with my fibromyalgia, no more sweating spells and the tingling all over my body multiple times a day is gone. Very pleased with the results so far.

Magnesium Sucrosomial

This form of magnesium helps you to effectively produce energy. It also supports the immune system and is critical for bone health and skeletal development. [21]


Jonathan H. Verified Buyer


Eliminated Heart Flutters

Truly an amazing product. It's very hard to get the required sleep and all day energy I need to run my finance business. I have 5 sons and they demand plenty of attention. I volunteer at the parochial school that my children attend as well. I have sleep apnea from lifting heavy weights so frequently in my youth. Due to an injury I had to give it up. This caused me to gain a lot of weight over time which just made my sleep worse. Since taking the Magnesium Breakthrough I'm sleeping 8 hours every night, and I'm absolutely crushing it everyday. I haven't felt this healthy and energetic in 15 years.

Magnesium Taurate

This is the form of magnesium best for your heart.

One study noted: “The complex magnesium taurate may thus have considerable potential as a vascular-protective nutritional supplement.” [22]


Jak K. Verified Buyer


Eliminated Heart Flutters

Eliminated my heart flutters and muscle aches!

Magnesium Orotate

While also helpful for the heart, magnesium orotate is believed to be the best form for metabolic improvements.

This makes it a favorite for athletes seeking enhanced recovery, energy and performance.  [23]

David R.

Recovery Is Fantastic

I've been using the magnesium for 2 years. I've noticed better gut health, skin and hair. Also, my recovery from working out at the gym is fantastic.

Getting ALL of these forms of magnesium in the optimum dose upgrades virtually every function in your body.

Most Magnesium Supplements FAIL To Help You Beat Stress…

Now that you understand how critical magnesium is for everything, it might be tempting to run out to your local drug or health food store and buy some magnesium.

That would be a mistake 🙅 — because most magnesium products do nothing, for two primary reasons:

1. Most magnesium products are synthetic, unnatural, and not recognized by your body, and…

2. Most magnesium products are NOT FULL SPECTRUM


Jarred N. Verified Buyer


7 Different Magnesiums

Has 7 different kinds of magnesium. Not another product I know of that has this.

Which means they are missing the various forms of magnesium needed to target various organs in the body and to handle all sources of stress and boost your performance in every key area.

Most people get only 1-2 forms of synthetic magnesium (at best); which is why they typically feel little or nothing from supplements.

But there’s a miracle that occurs when your body gets ALL the magnesium that it needs, in all the forms that it needs, at the optimal dosage.

If You Want to Beat Stress, Get Fit, Sleep Better and Recover Faster…

You Need FULL SPECTRUM Magnesium


Carl Weston Verified Buyer


Super Mineral You All Need

For recovery and sleep this is the super mineral you all need. Don't use any other this is one of the only ones with a full spectrum of magnesium.

Whatever your diet or workout goals, magnesium can help make it work better. However, without adequate magnesium, you’re setting yourself up to fail.

Why? One reason is that you tend to lose a lot more water from the body in the initial state of most diets (especially lower carb diets.)

As glycogen is stored in the body as one-part glycogen and three parts water, it means that more water is dumped through the kidneys. 💧

And since magnesium levels are controlled through the kidneys, this can then inadvertently cause a drop in serum magnesium levels.

In fact, the 7 different forms of magnesium connect to a variety of biological systems.

When you get them in the right dose, everything works better.

Without them, EVERY biological system is compromised…

So what’s the solution?

The Solution is…

Magnesium Breakthrough

We spent years researching and experimenting with all the different forms of magnesium.

We tried virtually every product on the market. We tried a variety of blends.

At the end of the day, we realized that most magnesium products only had a few forms of the magnesium your body needs (at best)…

Plus, nobody had “cracked the code” on the right ratios of these different forms.

So we realized we needed to create this product ourselves. 💡

We brought in one of the smartest formulators in the world to work with us, and the result is Magnesium Breakthrough.

Magnesium Breakthrough Contains Every Key Form of Magnesium, in Exactly the Right Ratio…

In fact, as you can see from this chart — this formula is LIGHT YEARS beyond every other magnesium product on the market…


Product Glycinate Taurate Orotate Sucrosomial Citrate Chelate Malate
BiOptimizers Magnesium Breakthrough
Nobi Nutrition Magnesium Complex Premium
Strength Sensei Quadra Mag
Livewell Magwell
Natural Stacks MagTech
Sunergetic Magnesium Complex Premium
Intelligent Labs MagEnhance
Nature's Sunshine Magnesium Complex
Jigsaw Health MagSRT
Pure Therapro Rx Optimum Magnesium
BioEmblem Triple Magnesium Complex
Essential Elements Mg Plus Zinc
Doctor's Best High Absorption Magnesium
Nature's Way Magnesium Complex
Life Extension Magnesium Caps
Natural Rhythm Triple Calm Magnesium
Swanson Triple Magnesium Complex
Terranics Magnesium Complex
Zeal Naturals Magnesium
Professional Formulas Magnesium Complex

Scroll to view on smaller screens »

Because the goal was not just to reverse deficiency, but also to transform your performance in EVERY key area.


Adam D. Verified Buyer


I can feel the difference

I can feel the difference. This is the only place you can get this combination of Mg and it makes a difference.

Another key element that is missing in most formulations are the cofactors.

That’s why we included cofactors like B6, manganese and “monoatomic magnesium” (a nutrient that’s never been in any product, EVER) — to multiply the delivery of magnesium to every cell in your body. ⚛

The result: Magnesium Breakthrough is simply THE most complete, most potent, most performance-enhancing magnesium formula EVER created.


Five Bottles

Magnesium Breakthrough


$27 / bottle

($136 TOTAL)

Subscribe N' Save 22% Off

365-Day Money Back Guarantee

One Bottle

Magnesium Breakthrough


$35 / bottle

($35 TOTAL)

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365-Day Money Back Guarantee


Three Bottles

Magnesium Breakthrough


$29 / bottle

($87 TOTAL)

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365-Day Money Back Guarantee

The #1 Best Way to Experience the Researched Benefits of Magnesium

Magnesium has more researched benefits than any other nutrient — and more studies to back up its claims than any other. To date, over a thousand studies have been conducted on magnesium. 👇

These studies have concluded that magnesium helps you:

Magnesium helps move blood sugar into your muscles and dispose of lactate, which can build up in muscles during exercise and cause pain [24]

Supplementing with it can boost exercise performance for athletes, the elderly, and people with chronic disease  [25]

In one study, volleyball players who took 250 mg of magnesium per day experienced improvements in jumping & arm movement [26]

Athletes who supplemented with magnesium for 4 weeks saw faster running, cycling and swimming times in a triathlon. They also had reductions in insulin and stress hormone levels [27]

Magnesium plays a critical role in brain function and mood, and low levels are linked to an increased risk of depression [28]

Supplementing with this mineral may help reduce symptoms of depression — and in some cases, the results can be dramatic [29]

In a randomized controlled trial in depressed older adults, 450 mg of magnesium daily improved mood as effectively as an antidepressant drug. [30]

One study which followed more than 4,000 people for 20 years found that those with the highest magnesium intake were 47% less likely to develop diabetes [31]

People with type 2 diabetes taking high daily doses of magnesium experienced significant improvements in blood sugar and hemoglobin A1c levels, compared to a control group. [32]

In one study, people who took 450 mg per day experienced a significant decrease in systolic and diastolic blood pressure. [33]

Magnesium can reduce CRP and other markers of inflammation in older adults, overweight people, and those with prediabetes. [34]

A few encouraging studies suggest that magnesium can prevent and even help treat migraines. [35]

Supplementing with 1 gram of magnesium provided relief from an acute migraine more quickly and effectively than a common medication. [36]

Magnesium plays a crucial role in preventing insulin resistance, and many people with metabolic syndrome are deficient. [37]

Magnesium improves insulin resistance among non-diabetic individuals with metabolic syndrome. [38]

One study found that supplementing with it reduced insulin resistance & blood sugar levels, even in people with normal levels. [39]

Magnesium has been shown to improve mood, reduce water retention, and alleviate other symptoms in women with PMS. [40]

How to Take Magnesium Breakthrough for Maximum Results

Because Magnesium Breakthrough is taken on an empty stomach, is quickly dissolved, and contains all the necessary cofactors… it quickly passes through the digestive process and is absorbed at a very high rate.

Many notice a sense of calm and relaxation as their nervous system and stress levels are soothed.

And better sleep is often observed within the very first week, if used daily and as instructed.

Cross Kantz

Deep Sleep Jumped Up To 2 Hours

First night of taking magnesium my deep sleep jumped up to 2 hours which has been the highest reading so far from my Oura ring!

Most people use Magnesium Breakthrough in the morning, to help them stay calm and resilient to stress throughout the day.

Others take it before bed to fall asleep faster and sleep more deeply. 😴

And within 3-5 weeks, most people experience a level of peace and serenity that they haven’t felt in a very long time.

As always, it’s still best to consult with a licensed medical professional if you have any concerns prior to starting.

Here's The Exact Magnesium Loading Protocol That We USed To Take Us From Burned Out To Calm And Optimized In Less Than 6 Weeks

Both Matt and myself were basically burnt out at the same time. I hit severe burn out (as you read) and Matt was fried and frazzled as well. He couldn’t drink coffee anymore. He would feel horrible almost instantly. ☕

Magnesium Breakthrough is an absolute game-changer for reducing stress. Our magnesium loading program has transformed the lives of tens of thousands of people worldwide. It helps shift your nervous system into a “relaxation mode.” It turns you from stressed to zen.

Here’s the magnesium loading program that was given to us by Charles Poliquin and it produces magical results. You’ll feel your entire nervous system shift to a state of beautiful zen calm as you go from magnesium deficiency to optimal levels.

What we suggest is slowly ramping up the dosage for 6 weeks. At this point, your body’s magnesium levels will be optimal. Then you can go back down to a maintenance dose.

Week 1 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7
A.M. 1 cap 1 cap 1 cap 1 cap 1 cap 1 cap 1 cap
AFTERNOON 1 cap 1 cap 1 cap 1 cap 1 cap 1 cap 1 cap
1 HOUR BEFORE BED 1 cap 1 cap 1 cap 1 cap 1 cap 1 cap 1 cap

Scroll to view on smaller screens »

In week 2, ramp up the dose. Increase your pre-bed dose to 2 capsules.

Week 2 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7
A.M. 1 cap 1 cap 1 cap 1 cap 1 cap 1 cap 1 cap
AFTERNOON 1 cap 1 cap 1 cap 1 cap 1 cap 1 cap 1 cap
1 HOUR BEFORE BED 2 caps 2 caps 2 caps 2 caps 2 caps 2 caps 2 caps

Scroll to view on smaller screens »

In week 3-6, ramp up the dose to 5 capsules a day.

Week 3 - Week 6 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7
A.M. 1 cap 1 cap 1 cap 1 cap 1 cap 1 cap 1 cap
AFTERNOON 2 caps 2 caps 2 caps 2 caps 2 caps 2 caps 2 caps
1 HOUR BEFORE BED 2 caps 2 caps 2 caps 2 caps 2 caps 2 caps 2 caps

Scroll to view on smaller screens »

For a maintenance dose program, we suggest taking 1 capsule in the morning to calm your nervous system for the day (good to counterbalance the stress from coffee) and 1 early afternoon. For the best sleep quality, we suggest taking 2-3 capsules 1 hour before bed to help kickstart your natural serotonin and melatonin process and get great sleep.

MAINTENANCE Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7
A.M. 1 cap 1 cap 1 cap 1 cap 1 cap 1 cap 1 cap
AFTERNOON 1 cap 1 cap 1 cap 1 cap 1 cap 1 cap 1 cap
1 HOUR BEFORE BED 2 caps 2 caps 2 caps 2 caps 2 caps 2 caps 2 caps

Scroll to view on smaller screens »

Be aware that when you increase your Magnesium Breakthrough dose, it may disrupt your digestive system because magnesium draws water. Reduce the dosage by 1 capsule if that happens. And once you're adapted, you can try increasing the dose again.

In order to do this loading program properly, you’ll need 5 bottles of Magnesium Breakthrough. You'll be going through a bottle a week. Once your body is loaded with magnesium you can start lowering the dose and go to maintenance. This is why we would like to offer you a private discount (that you’ll never see publicly). It’s an exclusive one-time only discount for clients like you.

We suggest grabbing the 12 bottle stack and doing the entire program as laid out above. It’s one of the most powerful health-boosting programs we’ve ever discovered and done. And we’re confident that it will produce similar results for you. And if for some reason it doesn’t, we’ll give you every penny back no questions asked.

The Most Potent, Complete, First FULL SPECTRUM Magnesium Formula Ever Created

Magnesium Breakthrough is a complete formula that includes naturally-derived forms of all 7 forms of supplemental magnesium. 😎

There are no synthetic additives or preservatives in our formula.
This is the most potent oral magnesium you will ever find. Period.

You take it on an empty stomach… and you often feel it within 30 minutes. Taking it without food in your stomach allows for maximum absorption.


Carmelo B.Verified Buyer


Felt Immediately

This product is very effective and I felt it's effects immediately, it has been a Godsend for my family, especially my mother, cheers!

Magnesium Breakthrough has been detected free of:

Mercury Lead Arsenic Fluoride

Each batch is produced under strict quality control standards.

Beware of Brands that Don’t Test for Mercury

There are brands of magnesium that scientists have found to have some of the highest levels of mercury ever measured in any product.


Five Bottles

Magnesium Breakthrough


$27 / bottle

($136 TOTAL)

Subscribe N' Save 22% Off

365-Day Money Back Guarantee

One Bottle

Magnesium Breakthrough


$35 / bottle

($35 TOTAL)

Subscribe N' Save 22% Off

365-Day Money Back Guarantee


Three Bottles

Magnesium Breakthrough


$29 / bottle

($87 TOTAL)

Subscribe N' Save 22% Off

365-Day Money Back Guarantee

Want to save 28%?

And get the best price possible?

DAVE ASPREY Father of Biohacking

They've made a new form of Magnesium that has the individual Magnesiums in it which is something I haven't been able to find in a SINGLE Magnesium supplement before.

For 25 years I've been taking Magnesium. The problem is I was taking multiple forms of it with many different bottles, all times of the day.

Magnesium Breakthrough is the first product I've found that has ALL the Magnesiums that I'd want in one convenient bottle. I open less bottles and still get the amounts I need for thousands of enzymes in the body.

Magnesium Breakthrough Is So Effective…

We Unconditionally Guarantee It for 365 Days

We understand you might be skeptical. How could reversing a magnesium deficiency — with 7 proven forms of this one nutrient — do so much?

You’ve seen the research.

Magnesium Breakthrough works. And by the time you read this, it will have already changed the lives of thousands of people.

Plus, our company — BiOptimizers — has been in business for 15 full years. We stand behind our products and guarantee that they will do what we say they do. 🌟

If you purchase 1 bottle and you are not completely satisfied, within 365 days you may request a full refund (minus shipping & handling cost).

If you choose to save money and buy a bundle of multiple bottles, you are still covered by a 365 day guarantee. If after your first bottle you are not satisfied, you can return your remaining unopened bottles within 365 days of purchase and we will issue you a full refund for your order (minus the cost of shipping & handling)*.

*Please note: If you open a second bottle, you no longer qualify for the guarantee above. Speak with our customer service team, and you may be able to receive a prorated refund depending upon the number of unopened bottles you will be returning.

Just contact us, let us know where we could be better, and we will issue you a refund (excluding any shipping and handling charges).

No questions asked.

Free Instant Access To The Most Valuable Health Community On The Internet The BIOtribe Family

As a valued BiOptimizers client you’ll automatically be invited to join the BIOtribe community, where we give our incredible BioFam the space to:

The BIOtribe is a FREE, private Facebook group that provides the opportunity to truly bond with us AND the rest of our legendary BioFam.

There’s ZERO COST to be in this BIOtribe. There are health groups that charge hundreds of dollars a year for less valuable communities. This is a string-free gift to all BiOptimizers customers, which includes YOU with your purchase of Magnesium Breakthrough.

In this group you will get access to:

Deep dives into various topics and Live Q&A’s EACH WEEK with amazing health experts that charge thousands for their advice

Exclusive “BIOtribe Only” content that you won’t find anywhere else

Monthly prizes and giveaways to the most valuable community members

And so much more…

We truly treasure your business and support. And we are incredibly excited to bring you more content and motivation in the BIOtribe to help you achieve all of your health goals.

Just be sure to use the same email address you use to make your Magnesium Breakthrough purchase so we can verify you as part of our community.


PAUL CHEK Founder, CHEK Institute & PPS Success Mastery Program

As the founder of an institute that teaches holistic health, corrective, and high-performance exercise world wide, I have an almost constant stream of products being sent to me from manufacturers for testing and my opinion. Sadly, the grand majority of them are only effective as placebos at best, and many are cheap, low quality illusions. When Wade Lightheart shared his products to test, I had a VERY different experience, as have all my clients and athletes I’ve shared them with.

BiOptimizer products are genuinely effective for enhanced digestion, metabolism/energy production, gut health and protection, cleansing, and more. I use them every day myself.

*FTC Legal Disclaimer: The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors

What Doctors Say About Getting The Right Form Of Magnesium


Marie P.Verified Buyer


Works For All My Symptoms

This product is the most helpful product I've ever taken. I'm not exaggerating. I went from daily bouts of restless leg, constipation and lack of sleep. My husband is a medical doctor. We don't like gimics or products that claim outlandish results. We have tried so many things to find relief and this is the only thing that has worked... and worked for all my symptoms.

Magnesium Deficiency Produces MANY Negative Symptoms

“Magnesium deficiency can produce symptoms of anxiety or depression, including muscle weakness, fatigue, eye twitches, insomnia, anorexia, apathy, apprehension, poor memory, confusion, anger, nervousness, and rapid pulse.”

– Dr. Carolyn Dean, M.D.

I Use Magnesium for Any Person…

“I use magnesium for any person that comes in with a cardiovascular complaint.”

– Dr. Robert Maki, N.D.

Dangers of Low Magnesium

“The most important marker for impending heart disease is a low magnesium to calcium ratio in the cells.”

– Andrea Rosanoff, Ph.D.

Magnesium Deficiency Symptoms Are Neurotic

“Magnesium deficiency symptoms in the elderly include central nervous system symptoms that seem largely “neurotic”: anxiety, excessive emotionality, fatigue, headaches, insomnia, light-headedness, dizziness, nervous fits… and impaired breathing”

– Dr. Jean Durlach

Without Magnesium, Your Body Cannot Function Optimally!

“If you don’t have enough magnesium, your body simply cannot function optimally, and insufficient cellular magnesium levels set the stage for deterioration of metabolic function that can snowball into more serious health problems.”

– Dr. Joseph Mercola, M.D.

Roughly a Dollar Per Day To Rapidly Transform Your Stress, Hormones, and Performance with Magnesium Breakthrough

Yes, Magnesium Breakthrough contains all 7 forms of magnesium so that you can reverse any deficiencies and upgrade your performance in every area.

As you learned earlier, most magnesium supplements are a waste of money… because they don’t have the right forms… the ratio is off… or your gut can’t absorb them effectively.

But Magnesium Breakthrough is not only more effective, it’s also more affordable than other premium magnesium supplements. 💯

Because if you take advantage of our bundle pricing, you can get a month’s supply for just $1.00 per day.

Given everything you’ve learned about stress, stubborn fat, and all the other health issues it causes, I can’t think of a dollar better spent.

Use Magnesium Breakthrough To Beat the Root Causes of Stress, Inflammation and More

No matter what diet you’re on…

No matter what your health goals or dreams…

Chances are, you can benefit from correcting magnesium deficiency and lowering your stress levels.

You’ve seen all the reasons why trying to focus purely on dieting isn’t the answer, because if you’re lacking magnesium, have high cortisol, and feeling stressed… you’ll never lose weight.

Now, it’s time to move forward. 💪

Magnesium Breakthrough is an incredible value, considering it’s one of the most transformative supplements any human being can take.

This is why we worked so hard researching the purest, most potent source of magnesium, and are making it available to you at the best possible price.

Save and get started with Magnesium Breakthrough using any button on this page.

Your cortisol levels, stress levels, your metabolism, body fat…

Indeed EVERY cell in your body… will thank you for it.

It’s Time For You To Experience
Biological Optimization

Our mission at BiOptimizers is to “End physical suffering by helping people discover and activate BiOptimized Health.”

In other words, we want you to become a super-human version of yourself.

Our goal with our products is to give you all the tools you need to develop all 3 sides of the BiOptimization Triangle:

Magnesium Breakthrough will help you maximize all 3 sides of the BiOptimization Triangle. Your aesthetics will improve with better sleep and recovery. Your health will improve in multiple ways.

And both your mental and physical performance will go to new levels as shown in dozens of scientific studies. Just select the package you want above to get started. 🍃

Wade Lightheart

Advisor to the American Anti-Cancer Institute

Certified Nutritionist

Author of the Best Selling Book 'Staying Alive In A Toxic World'

3-Time All Natural National Bodybuilding Champion

P.S. If you’re still not convinced of the power of magnesium, just look at all of these studies (screenshots below) — it’s everything we’ve referenced in this letter and more…

Click Here to see some of the amazing research showing why Magnesium Breakthrough is one of the most powerful supplements you can take







































